
For Sellers

Real Estate Seller Information

The following video links are most important to view when thinking of selling your property. Be it a condo, ocean view villa, in-town home or a vacant lot, there are some things you can do to increase your chances for a successful sale in a reasonable amount of time.

Please take a few minutes to browse through the videos. Some are from Remax directly and others I will be adding from time to time. The basic message really does not change, And as such I believe as a whole the following videos are as important today as they were when they were produced.

Just click on any of the following titles to open a video

  • Ready to Sell: Preparing your home
  • Ready to Sell: Why a property doesn't sell
  • Ready to Sell: Painting
  • Ready to Sell: Vacant Lots
  • Buyer Feedback: Some do, Some don't
  • Choosing a Realtor: What Realtor is right for me?
  • Owner Financing: Is it a good option?
  • Closing the Sale: Using the right professionals
  • Moving: Shipping things to a different country
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Pricing terms

The price is based on current exchange rates but is only an approximation. Please contact us for a final price